Friday, 23 November 2012

Losing my Cross Training Virginity: Part 1

Hello and welcome to my second blog. Thank you for not being too scared off by my first one to continue reading :)

So, there is some good news and some bad news to report since my last post. Basically, I got the results back from the MRI scan of my ankle and the verdict is pretty much as expected; I have an extra piece of bone in the back of my ankle. My physio Mark was right as usual (and bless him, he only gloated A LITTLE). This isn't particularly good news; the good part is that the consultant says that he should be able to fit me in for surgery in December as NO ONE wants surgery on Christams Eve (Merry Christmas Hayley, have some PAIN and some CRUTCHES and perhaps some extra strong painkillers to go with've been a REALLY good girl this year). I'll stop being sarcastic, compared with the 2-3month wait I was expecting,this is good.

The bad news is this: NO RUNNING until after surgery. Apparently, the MRI showed some additional inflammation in the ankle that was most likely due to compensation and told me to stop running to prevent damaging other areas. Ok, i'll admit, I had a little cry over this; sorry, to the customers of Runner's Need who I may have offended by sniffing on their shoes (and thank you to James and Dani for making me tea, which is the universal cure for everything). 

Once my minor sulk was over, I emailed coach Nick about a hard cross training plan involving lots of cycling, swimming and aqua jogging to do until the op and then as soon as possible after. Simple, right? However, having been previously lucky with injuries, i'm not exactly experienced in that area. Therefore, I have decided to share with you my cross training intiation. Hopefully, it will be helpful to anyone who is injured and if nothing else, it may provide some comedy...

Cross Training Lesson #1 - The Exercise Bike of Doom...

By the end of 2.5hours, I don't know what was more annoying; the biking itself or the 7th episode of Friends. Either way, I was drowning in my own sweat (seriously, that amount cannot be healthy) and swearing at the TV. But me being me, I wanted to do everything right. According, to some cross training guidelines from a secret (forgotten) source of mine; when you cycle to replace running, you should remember the following things:

1) It should be 1.5 times as long or four times as far in distance
2) You should keep heart rate no less than 15-20 BPM lower than during a long run
3) RPM should be 90-100

Doing these things, it turns out, actually requires a fair bit of concentration. My heart rate doesn't seem to want to go up at all on the bike but my poor little legs start to suffer very quickly. Innovative as ever, I discovered some interesting and probably pointless cross training tips;

1) If you use cans of rice pudding to do 'running arms' your heart rate gets higher (and it's more running-specific, which is a GOOD thing, I hear). However, you do get complaints from your boyfriend who apparently owns the rice pudding (although considering the length of time it has been there, does not plan to eat it). You can alternate and do other arm exercises with cans whilst cycling with your legs (this helps to alleviate the boredom and adds a mental training component but do be careful not to fall off...)

2) Add reps - this really helps to make the time go quicker and got my heart rate up. I did 5,4,3,2,1 off 1 min in the last 20 mins but will probably incorporate more earlier in future.

Planned Cross Training Lesson #2- The Aqua Jogger of Agony

My next plan is to reintroduce aqua jogging. I've done this before but never really felt I have been doing it right so I have once again sought out some information and I came across a really good article - Aqua Jogging for Injured Runners I'm particularly intrigued by the bit about using a sprint training resistance bungee cord and I shall be purchasing one of these Resistance Trainer's and trying it next week. However, this is likely to end up with me getting tangled up, drowning or being snapped back to the poolside in the style of some cartoon character...Being freed by an attractive male lifeguard whilst wearing my sexy new goggles and swim hat is probably not a great way to start. No fear though, I'm sure they will remember me from last month when I tripped over with my foot stuck in my resistance band and got the cable pulley stuck on my shoe laces...I'll just have to remember not to do my 'Baywatch' run...

Planned Cross Training Lesson #3 - Bike Ride to Bermuda

Cross Training #3 will hopefully be joining the Clapham Chasers for a 4hr cycle ride (on an ACTUAL BIKE!! My lovely new second hand road bike I have called Lady). I am surely going to get lost, get a puncture (according to my dad, my mum can no longer ride due to them, it's probably in my genes...), hit a particularly agressive squirrel, etc... By the way, just in case my castastrophising is bothering you, I do accept, it could also go perfectly well and I could find excellent ways of training/ decide to become a triathlete. But that wouldn't be half as funny would it? 

I'm going to show you a picture of my new road bike, that I love, and who now lives in our flat (No Bryn, you are not putting her in the shed, she would get cold!!).

My Lady friend...

Coming soon...The Perils of Cross Training # (if I make it)...And for now, another amusing video, I also like...

Thursday, 8 November 2012

I'm (sort of) injured...

Hi there and welcome to my first blog :) I've been meaning to start one for a while but taking an easier month of work before starting my PhD means that I finally have some time to do it! So I'll just briefly introduce myself, hopefully without causing too much boredom/ making you think i'm crazy, etc...

To cut a long story short (well, shorter...), I completed my BA in Physiological Sciences in June with a PhD lined up for October, decided I couldn't face any more studying for the foreseeable future, arranged to start April 2013 and then, predictably, started to miss university so arranged to start in December. As you can probably guess, decisiveness is not one of my strong points. So, I'm very excited to be starting a PhD in Obesity (trust me, you have to be quite careful when certain people you meet ask you what your PhD's in...) in December at Imperial College London.

Amazingly, I've got this far without mentioning running but that couldn't really last given the blog title...Running is a massive part of my life and has been since I was 11. It's given me the best friends ever, a lot of enjoyment, and also a fair amount of tears (usually me being over dramatic, which is a speciality of mine). I also have a slightly obsessive personality with control freak tendencies so distance running was probably both one of the best (though you could argue worst) sports for me... I currently compete at distances of 5k and above but in time (read once I can get it past coach Nick :) I want to run some really fast marathons. 

I have been coached by Nick Anderson for the last two years, which has seen me improve massively. He always seems to know the right thing to say in every situation (and I have a suspicion he is psychic as well but perhaps I'm just transparent...). Up until meeting Nick, I was mostly self coached but given my extremes of motivation and enthusisasm I need someone to erm...provide moderation and stop me from running myself into a big hole. I also probably need someone to give me a big slap in the face when I have my one of my panics (just ask my dad about the time I fell in a puddle during a particularly muddy cross country race and convinced myself I nearly drowned...)

2012 has been a tricky year for me where running is concerned. My cross country season was solid (if short lived) with a 2nd place at the Met League before an army of winter bugs made me a non-starter for the rest of it.  However, I managed to remain healthy long enough to run the Reading Half Marathon, where I surpassed my target of sub - 80 with a 79.13 clocking and discovered the joy of the longer races. Since then things have been a bit dodgy to say the least. Due to a combination of university finals, shingles and niggles, I haven't really raced and I'm presently struggling with an "injury" that seems custom - made to do my head in. 

Basically, for the last 3 months or so, my left ankle has felt 'dodgy'. There has been pain but this seems to be relatively minor with running (walking is actually worse). For a while I thought it was my Achilles and I did the usual - stretching, strengthening, icing, etc, but it just didn't respond. It took three physios, a pair of makeshift orthotics, countless random exercises involving weird amounts of rubber bands and cable pulleys (and odd looks at the outrageous number of gyms I signed up for trial passes for to be able to use them for free) to finally find out the problem was. My (also awesome) physio Mark Buckingham concluded it was probably an extra bit of bone in my ankle that was irritating the soft tissue (or posterior ankle impingement to give it it's proper name).

Basically, my ankle doesn't seem to want to dorsiflex at all and feels like its stuck on wrong when i run. It's like the man flu of all injuries - i can run almost my usual amount with relatively minor amounts of pain. But trust me - you don't get much in the way of sympathy from friends and family when you say "oh but I can only run 77s for my 400m reps rather than 75s). Cue typical over - analytic Hayley thoughts, obsessive ankle - monitoring and much redundant ankle fiddling. So as it turns out, tomorrow, I'm seeing a foot and ankle specialist for my non-injury so I can find out if I do need surgery. 

Whilst this is going on, I'm trying to train as much as possible (without overly irritating anything) whilst I potentially wait for surgery. The plan is to then come back to training having hardly lost any fitness with my dream of running a super - fast half or full marathon next spring still intact (possibly wishful thinking but I may as well aim high). So now having told you all about how injured I am, I'm off to run for 30 minutes before my race on Saturday. During my run, I'll be telling myself how many 'injured' runners would love to be able able to do this and how I'm actually very lucky (and I REALLY do believe this, i promise). However, do try and have some sympathy (even fake sympathy because I probably don't deserve the real kind), I will spend the whole time worrying about how foot feels like it doesn't work and is stuck on the wrong way...

Well atleast i'm dealing with it better than Hitler...