Friday, 25 April 2014

London Marathon Race Report

Post-race pb ritual...
It's ten days into my mental and physical post-marathon break so I can allow myself to think about running enough to write about it. 

I'm starting some easy running and being slightly more disciplined (cutting my two bowls of ice cream a day to one is hard, okay!) before getting back on it next week.

So, London...all in all, a good result, especially considering that the fact that my marathon build-up wasn't exactly problem-free... (are they ever?)

I was 4th British women overall and ran 2.40. It was actually 2.40.35 but since my target was actually 2.40 and the .35 is the only slight dampener on my happiness I'm going to round down from now on (except for weekly mileage, which I shall always round up :).

Although, being a perfectionist, the point-something is actually really annoying me (can you tell?), I AM PLEASED with the result. NO, SERIOUSLY, I am. It was over a 3 minute personal best after all.

First ever AW picture
Given the fact that I was EXTREMELY worried about the race, given how marathon pace felt in training, I was pleasantly surprised with how it felt in the race. I felt pretty good until 2-3 miles to go. I'm not entirely sure where I slowed down slightly and don't ever remember feeling like I was struggling alot.

I think I messed up my pace a bit somewhere and suddenly realised my last 2 miles would have to be run ridiculously quickly to actually get under 2.40.

Performance aside, I can honestly say I absolutely loved the day. I've chatted with a couple of people since who have told me they hated doing London because of the constant cheering. I LOVED it...the atmosphere was fantastic. I had a massive smile on my face for most of it; honestly, all my race photo's until the last three are ridiculously smiley.

I even got my first ever picture in Athletics Weekly - made my day :)
These guys run a lot faster than me...

Now, i've recovered I am absolutely desperate to get back into training and attempt to revise my shorter distance pb's over the summer....they need it :)

Thanks for reading!